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Multi-Function Stylus w/USB

Multi-Function Stylus w/USB
Multi-Function Stylus w/USB
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Product code: ST12

This super ultimate multi-function stylus is for those who demand more than just a simple stylus! This gadget pulls several duties: it’s a rubber tip capacitive screen stylus, laser pointer, light and USB with a memory capacity of your choice! It’s a perfect item for those that love new tech gadgets. You can even offer this item as a high end gift with a black executive box!

12 - 22 Business Days

Please call/email to verify pricing.
As Low As $23.88


Product Details Packing & Accessories Imprinting Options
Product Name: Multi-Function Stylus w/USB
Part Number: ST12
Capacities: N/A
MOQ: 100
Product Colors: Black, Silver
(The casing colors are intended as a reference guide only. They may not exactly match the colors identified.)
Color Customization: Call
Casing Materials: Metal
Rush Service: Unavailable
Dimensions: Custom color casing may be available for a fee for certain items. Please contact our sales team for more information.
Imprint Area: Front - 1 3/8" x 3/8"
Decoration Method: Single/Multi Color Imprint, Laser Engraving
Production Time: 12 - 22 Business Days
Shipping Weight: Bulk - 9 Lbs / 100 pcs

Additional Services:
Data Loading - Add extra value to your USB by having KTI load your custom data onto the drive.
Data Lock - Need to make sure your info stays with your client? We can lock the data on the drive, making the data unerasable.
